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Statement on the Commerce Department’s Consumer Privacy Legislative Discussion Draft

Beckerman:It is essential that any privacy rules are finely tailored to address specific harms…”


Washington, D.C. – Internet Association President and CEO Michael Beckerman issues the following statement on the Commerce Department’s consumer privacy legislative proposal:

“Internet companies believe in keeping user data safe and secure and providing robust controls over how data is used. Members of the Internet Association take a back seat to no one when it comes to protecting users online. It is essential that any privacy rules are finely tailored to address specific harms, so that innovation, which benefits consumers and the economy, can continue to flourish. Today’s wide-ranging legislative proposal outlined by the Commerce Department casts a needlessly imprecise net. We look forward to working with Congress and the Administration to ensure that this proposal does not create a drag on our economy and inadvertently mark a shift from ‘permissionless’ to ‘permission slip’ innovation.”
