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The Internet Association Opens Sacramento Office

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Internet Association, the trade association representing the leading global Internet companies, today announced the opening of an office in Sacramento and the appointment of Robert Callahan as California Executive Director.

“California is the central hub of the knowledge economy. The Internet industry is creating jobs, delivering economic growth and increased prosperity throughout the Golden state. That’s a story that needs to be told and it’s why the Internet Association is pleased to announce the opening of our Sacramento office,” said Internet Association President and CEO Michael Beckerman.

For nearly two years, The Internet Association has served as the unified voice of the Internet economy in the nation’s capital, working with Congress and the Administration to craft sensible Internet policies for the federal government. As the nation looks to California for lessons and leadership in growing the Internet economy in their own states, The Internet Association will provide a vital public policy resource to the California Legislature advocating for an open and free Internet and a light touch regulatory approach.

“The Internet has become one of the greatest engines for economic growth and prosperity the world has ever known. In the modern California economy, Internet jobs are no longer confined to Silicon Valley start-ups; Internet-enabled help wanted signs are springing up in every business sector and every region across the state,” said Beckerman.

“The Internet Association is putting boots on the ground in Sacramento and stands ready to assist California legislators who are on the front lines of the knowledge economy’s impact on government and society.”

Robert Callahan has been named Executive Director of the California office and will lead the association’s advocacy team in Sacramento.

“Robert Callahan’s policy expertise and advocacy experience are assets that will help us advance public policy solutions to strengthen and protect Internet freedom, foster innovation and economic growth while relentlessly representing this vital economic sector,” said Beckerman.

Prior to joining The Internet Association, Robert Callahan served as TechAmerica’s director of state government affairs in California. In this role, he was a leading voice for the tech industry in California on numerous high-profile issues from privacy legislation to environmental protection. Callahan played an instrumental role in advocacy efforts surrounding online issues, including e-commerce transactions, privacy policies, data breach, social media and others. Previous to his tenure at TechAmerica, Callahan worked for six years at the California Chamber of Commerce.

Callahan is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, and received his law degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.
