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Statement Regarding FCC’S Announcement on Net Neutrality Proposal

Tonight, The Internet Association’s President and CEO Michael Beckerman issued the following statement regarding the FCC’s announcement on the net neutrality proposal:

“The Internet Association supports enforceable net neutrality rules to ensure that the Internet remains open and free from discriminatory or anticompetitive actions by broadband gatekeepers. We look forward to seeing Chairman Wheeler’s full proposal and will reserve comments based on a complete review until then. However, we are concerned with reports that indicate that the proposed policies risk departing from the history of the free and open Internet by allowing broadband gatekeepers to decide what websites run the fastest. We do not believe that type of policy is consistent with our support for an open Internet founded on consumer choice and innovation. We look forward to working with Chairman Wheeler and his fellow commissioners at the FCC to ensure that the Internet remains a vibrant platform for consumer choice and economic growth. ”
