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Internet Association Signs On To Letter To President Obama Affirming Benefits Of Strong Encryption Technology

WASHINGTON DC—Today, the Internet Association, along with a number of civil society organizations, technology companies, trade associations, and security and policy experts, submitted a letter to President Obama calling for the White House to reject any proposal that requires U.S. technology companies to weaken encryption standards on devices and services in order to maintain the capability to decrypt customer data at the government’s request.

“The Internet Association stands with a diverse group of organizations in urging the Administration to avoid adopting policies that weaken encryption standards for consumer products,” said Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of the Internet Association. “Strong encryption provides billions of consumers across the world with protections from a variety of threats, such as information theft, online fraud, or attacks on free speech by repressive governments looking to stifle dissent. Our hope is that instead of forcing companies to lower their security standards, the Administration will advance policies that promote and protect the wide adoption of strong encryption technology, thereby leading to a more secure future for America and for the world.”

The full letter can be viewed here.