Practice Fusion Joins The Internet Association
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Internet Association, the unified voice of the Internet economy, is pleased to announce that Practice Fusion has joined its association of global industry leaders including Airbnb,, AOL, eBay, Expedia, Facebook, Gilt, Google, IAC, LinkedIn, Monster Worldwide, Path, Rackspace,, SurveyMonkey, TripAdvisor, Yahoo!, and Zynga.
Practice Fusion, the largest physician-patient platform in the US, is one of the fastest-growing players in the health technology space. With a free electronic medical record (EMR) system for doctors, Practice Fusion’s life-saving technology has grown to now manage 65 million patients across the US. It provides medical offices scheduling, charting, e-prescribing, lab integrations, referral letters and mobile access – all at no cost to medical professionals. The EMR has made a significant impact on the healthcare economy by preventing medical errors and adding efficiency through data-driven technology.
”Practice Fusion’s technology has already played a pivotal role in helping small and medium sized medical practices thrive through changes in the healthcare landscape,” said Ryan Howard, Founder and CEO of Practice Fusion. “As our technology platform has expanded to serve patients and health researchers, we see our voice in the policy spectrum becoming even more crucial. Our partnership with The Internet Association helps us work together with technology leaders to ensure that the marketplace is not only robust for all industries but also safe, secure and private for its users.”
“The Internet provides value in every sector of the economy, and health care is no exception. Practice Fusion’s innovative and easy to use service makes health care delivery more accurate, efficient and effective for providers, insurers, and patients,” said Michael Beckerman, The Internet Association President and CEO. “Poorly-planned oversight in the health IT space could be detrimental to the innovation and development of critical health care infrastructure and delivery components. Digital health care records are an indispensable part of the future of health care. Start-ups like Practice Fusion understand how fragile this new space is, and we welcome their narrative as we educate policymakers that their constituents are Internet health care patients and that Internet policy is important to our health care economic future.”