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Internet Association to File Amicus Brief in Support of Open Internet Rules

Beckerman: “The Internet industry believes strong, enforceable, and legally sustainable net neutrality rules that apply to both mobile and fixed broadband are necessary to protect the user experience online.”


Washington, D.C. – Today, as challenges to the FCC’s net neutrality rules work their way through the court system, the Internet Association filed a notice with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that it intends to file an amicus brief in support of the FCC’s Open Internet Order.

“The Internet industry believes strong, enforceable, and legally sustainable net neutrality rules that apply to both mobile and fixed broadband are necessary to protect the user experience online,” said Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of the Internet Association. “For the Internet to flourish, it is essential that rules be established that ban paid prioritization, blocking, and other forms of discrimination regardless of how a user decides to connect to the Internet,” Beckerman concluded.

The Internet Association – comprised of 35 leading Internet companies – is the first group to file notice in their intent to support the FCC’s case through an amicus brief.

To read the filing, click here.
