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Video: Sen. Booker Discusses the Value of an Open Internet

Beckerman: “The Internet has been a bright spot of innovation and economic growth in our economy. Policymakers should strive to maintain an open Internet and the positive economic benefits that come along with it.”


Washington, D.C. – As Congress continues to look for ways to grow the economy, Sen. Cory Booker recently sat down with The Internet Association at the “Small Business Tech and Social Innovation Forum” to discuss how innovation online drives economic growth and opportunity for Americans. “We live in a powerfully interconnected globe. Now you can access information, you can access capital, and you can access work, all from using the Internet,” said Sen. Booker. “It is critical that lawmakers understand the potential and possibility of the Internet.”


“The Internet has been a bright spot of innovation and economic growth in our economy,” said Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of The Internet Association. “Policymakers should strive to maintain an open Internet and the positive economic benefits that come along with it.”

The Internet Association partnered with U.S. Senator Cory Booker in July to host a forum focused on using the Internet to grow small businesses in New Jersey. “Small Business Tech and Social Innovation Forum,” was held at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of The Internet Association, led a panel discussion with Association member companies Google, Facebook, and Yelp. Association members Huffington Post, Uber, and Etsy were also in attendance to help small business owners in breakout sessions.