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Internet Association Expands State Team with New Hire

BECKERMAN: “Dusty will be a major asset for the organization as we expand our state government affairs program to all 50 states and represent our member companies across all levels of government.”


Today, the Internet Association announced the addition of Dusty Brighton, who joins the organization as the Vice President of State Government Affairs. Brighton’s efforts will focus on advocating for pro-Internet policies at the state and local levels across the country.

“Dusty will be a major asset for the organization as we expand our state government affairs program to all 50 states and represent our member companies across all levels of government,” said Michael Beckerman, President and CEO of the Internet Association. “Our success advocating at the state level in California has helped us develop an excellent blueprint for creating a meaningful impact in state capitals from coast to coast. We look forward to continuing our work across the country on behalf of Internet companies and the users they serve.”

Brighton most recently served as Vice President at Stateside Associates, where he played a major role spearheading advocacy engagement with the state Attorneys General and advising clients on issue campaign strategies and public policy engagements. Previously, Brighton served as Director of Government Relations for eBay, where he managed lobby activities in an attempt to increase the company’s visibility with elected officials and their staffs at the federal, state, and international levels.

Brighton will report to Gina Woodworth, who was recently promoted to the role of Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs. He joins the existing Internet Association state team, comprised of Robert Callahan and Lauren Kimzey.

“We are thrilled to welcome Dusty as the newest member of our growing team,” said Woodworth. “The deep knowledge and expertise Dusty has gained over 20-plus years working at the nexus of public policy and private industry will allow us to tackle issues not just in Washington D.C. and California, but everywhere in between.”
