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Link: Statement on FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal and Request for Comments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Internet Association’s President and CEO, Michael Beckerman issued the following statement regarding FCC’s proposal on net neutrality:

“The Internet Association supports strong nondiscrimination and no blocking rules to protect consumers, startups, and the continued innovation of the Internet economy. In the debate about keeping the Internet open there has been too much rhetoric surrounding the FCC’s legal tools. Protecting an open Internet, free from discriminatory or anticompetitive actions by broadband gatekeepers should be the cornerstone of Net Neutrality policy. The Internet Association will advocate for the FCC to use its full legal authority to enforce rules that lead to an open Internet — nothing should be taken off the table as this discussion evolves.

Broadband gatekeepers should not have the ability to create slow lanes and fast lanes on the Internet that discriminate against websites and harm users. We look forward to working with Chairman Wheeler and his fellow commissioners at the FCC to ensure that the Internet remains a vibrant platform for consumer choice and economic growth.”