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The Internet Association’s First Small Business Crawl in California

  • date icon September 29, 2014
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Last month, The Internet Association hosted a small business crawl to spotlight success stories of businesses in Fresno, California that are making the Internet an important element to the success of their operation.

Joined by Assemblyman Henry T. Perea (D – Fresno), members of the local business community, and Internet Association member company representatives, the crawl participants visited these thriving businesses located in Fresno’s popular Tower District: Chase Flower Shop, Dusty Buns Bistro Bus, Frosted Cakery and Piemonte Italian Delicatessen.


“The Internet helps every business sector in every region across the state, especially in Fresno and throughout the Central Valley. While the region is often known for agriculture, it should also be recognized for some of the exciting restaurants, art venues, and specialty retail stores that are flourishing in the area as well,” said Perea in an opinion editorial about the crawl. “It’s critical we ensure California continues to remain a leader in technology, and that policy decisions we make here in Sacramento support innovation and help grow Internet economies across the state.”


The fact is small businesses use the Internet to boost their bottom-line. According to the National Small Business Association’s 2014 Mid-Year Economic Report, just under one-third of small business owners surveyed said that their growth strategy over the next 12 months includes expanding Internet and e-commerce operations. For example, the Fresno Business Journal reported that “Michael Butler, who purchased Chase Flower Shop about 10 years ago, said about 30 percent of his business is generated by online sales. He said even more people go to the website to check out products that they will later come in and buy in person. Butler said it’s essential to use every Internet tool available.”


It was a successful event and we thank Assemblyman Perea and the Fresno-based business and community leaders as well as the small business owners for participating. Here are a few highlights of the lively Twitter conversation from the crawl:

To see more photos from the crawl, click here to view our Flickr album.