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The sharing economy brings unprecedented benefits to on-demand workers. Any small business, freelancer, contractor, cleaning service, or handyman who has been able expand their market, find new clients, build their businesses, or just use their skills to earn some extra money through internet-enabled platforms can speak to the transformational nature of this new economy.

Did You Know?

Only 11 percent of workers stated that inability to find employment caused them to seek work through on-demand platforms. This mirrors IA research, which shows that it is cost factors and a desire to earn supplemental income rather than necessity driving sharing economy participation.

Internet-enabled work provides individuals a high level of autonomy, flexibility, and variety to choose when, how, and where they can earn income. Sharing economy participants are motivated to seek opportunity through on-demand platforms to build greater financial stability, supplement other income, and build their businesses.

In many ways, the on-demand economy has helped create more opportunities to generate income for a younger generation struggling to pay off debts or live independently. At its foundation, the on-demand economy is about removing barriers and allowing individuals to more efficiently spend their time, earn income from their passions and hobbies, and better use assets or liabilities as a source of income. 

Industry Action

IA member companies offer flexible services for on-demand workers while ensuring that workers are properly compensated and protected.

  • Support legislation that emphasizes the need to allow on-demand workers to retain their right to choice and flexibility while also ensuring that those workers get real benefits, earn a living wage, and have a voice in what their future looks like
  • Support research to understand the benefits of the on-demand economy for on-demand workers 
  • Provide secure payment systems to prevent risky or fraudulent transactions
  • Support the use of terms and conditions that are transparent and easily understandable to workers and consumers using their platforms
  • Support full transparency of compensation for workers on their platform