Nearly all functions across government and private sector companies rely on information technology. Commercial cloud computing services have the ability to provide scale, security, and cost savings to many business and mission-critical capabilities.
What is Commercial Cloud Computing?
Commercial cloud computing uses the internet to facilitate access to services and resources, including storing and managing data, running applications, or remotely accessing software tools.
approximate jobs created as of 2017
value-added to U.S. GDP in 2017
Internet Association member companies are global leaders in the drive to develop lower cost, more secure, scalable, elastic, efficient, resilient, and innovative cloud services for customers in both the private and public sectors. IA members provide infrastructure (IaaS), platform (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) offerings across the globe.
IA advocates for continued adoption and proliferation of commercial cloud solutions across a variety of industries and use cases.
The cloud economy has nearly tripled in size in approximately 15 years since 2002.
Cloud computing increases business productivity.
U.S. businesses have rapidly adopted cloud computing services.